PowerShell: Documenting Mikrotik Devices
I recently was talking to someone who wanted to be able to document Mikrotik devices and keep track of their configurations. I had a check of the API and it looked interesting as it was all over TCP sockets and was something I hadn’t played with in PowerShell before. We also have a few Mikrotik devices so I decided to do a blog on it.
After getting started on the script and playing with the API, it turned out to be the most unpleasant horrible piece of poop I have come across. So I went with plan B of grabbing the config via SSH. (I even tried the beta version 7 REST API which is just as useless)
For this script I wanted the ability for it to pull the config directly from the device or to be able to parse an exported config files which have been uploaded to a central folder. This gives the most flexibility in how people can run it. Both ways essentially work from a flat dump of the whole configuration. I then utilise ConvertFrom-String with Content Templates to pick out useful bits of information from the config file itself to be able to display in a nicer format.
I have made two versions of the script, one which will just export to an HTML report, you can easily tweak for your own system and one which will upload to Hudu.
If you run into any problems with it not picking up your settings you can tweak the script with your own configuration in the Template sections of the functions, to train it with your actual data.
Running the Script
First you will need to choose which mode you want to use for the script.
Option 1) $ConnectToMikrotik = $true
This will use SSH to connect to your device and run /export. Make sure SSH is enabled on your device, accessable from where you run the script and then set these settings to allow the script to connect:
$MikroTikUser = “mikrotik_user”
$MikroTikPass = ‘StrongPasswordToSSHintoMikroTik’
$MikroTikIP = “”
$MikroTikPort = 22
Option 2) $ConnectToMikrotik = $false
Use this option if you would like to point the script to a central folder containing all your config exports. You could use the built in options in MikroTik to upload all the config files to a central location and then just point this script at that folder to process all the devices in one go. To use this set these options:
$TargetDir = “C:\Temp\Mikrotik\”
$FileExtensions = @(“rsc”, “export”)
Hudu Notes
As I couldn’t figure out how to determine the company a device is associated with, for this script you will need to run it once to create an Asset Layout then create blank assets with the device Identity under the customer you wish it tracked to. The script will tell you the names you need to use on the first run. Once this is done run the script again and it will populate with data.
Github Links
HTML Version
############# Settings #############
# This script can work in two ways.
# It can connect directly to a Mikrotik device and download the configuration directly
# Or it can parse a folder and document all the exported configs from there.
$ConnectToMikrotik = $false
# If ConnectToMiKrotik is $true it will directly connect to the specified device and download the configuration from there.
$MikroTikUser = "mikrotik_user"
$MikroTikPass = 'StrongPasswordToSSHintoMikroTik'
$MikroTikIP = ""
$MikroTikPort = 22
# If ConnectToMikrotik is false set these settings and it will read from the set folder
$TargetDir = "C:\Temp\Mikrotik\"
$FileExtensions = @("rsc", "export")
############# Functions #############
function Get-MikroTikHeaders {
$Lines = $Body -Split ([Environment]::NewLine)
$version = ($Lines[0] -split 'RouterOS ')[1]
$object | Add-Member -Name 'OSVersion' -Value $version -Type NoteProperty
$software_id = (($Lines[1] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SoftwareID' -Value $software_id -Type NoteProperty
$model = (($Lines[3] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Model' -Value $model -Type NoteProperty
$serial = (($Lines[4] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SerialNumber' -Value $serial -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikDHCP {
$template = @"
add name={RangeName*:testing} ranges={Ranges:}
add name={RangeName*:123testingtesting} ranges={Ranges:}
add name={RangeName*:default-dhcp} ranges={Ranges:333.333.333.333-333.333.333.333}
$DHCP = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object RangeName, Ranges
$object | Add-Member -Name 'DHCP' -Value $DHCP -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikQueue {
$template = @"
add max-limit={Limit*:1M/1M} name={Name:ExampleServers} target={Target:}
add max-limit={Limit*:20M/20M} name={Name:ABC} target={Target:}
add max-limit={Limit*:100M/100M} name={Name:Company1} target={Target:333.333.333.333/32}
add max-limit={Limit*:1000M/1000M} name={Name:Testing} target={Target:}
$Queues = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Name, Limit, Target
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Queues' -Value $Queues -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikIPAddress {
$template = @"
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:abc} interface={Interface:ether1} network=\
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:ComPAny} interface={Interface:ether2-master} network=\
add address={Address*:333.333.333.333/33} comment={Comment:"ABC / DE / Other"} interface={Interface:ether3} network=\
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:WAN} interface={Interface:sfp1} network=\
$IPAddresses = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Address, Comment, Interface, Network
$object | Add-Member -Name 'IPAddresses' -Value $IPAddresses -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikDNS {
$template = @"
set servers={DNSServers*:,}
set servers={DNSServers*:,}
set servers={DNSServers*:333.333.333.333,333.333.333.333}
$DNSServers = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object DNSServers
$object | Add-Member -Name 'DNSServers' -Value $DNSServers -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikFirewall {
$template = @"
{NewRecord*:add} action={Action:accept} chain={Chain:forward} comment={Comment:"Testing Comment"} connection-state="" \
connection-type={ConnectionType:sip} dst-address={DSTAddress:} dst-address-list="" \
dst-port={DSTPort:443} in-interface=bridge in-interface-list=all out-interface=\
bridge out-interface-list=all port={Port:443} protocol={Protocol:tcp} src-address=\
{SRCAddress:} src-address-list="" src-port=""
{NewRecord*:add} action={Action:accept} chain={Chain:forward} comment={Comment:"Testing Comment"} connection-state="" \
connection-type={ConnectionType:def} dst-address={DSTAddress:} dst-address-list="" \
dst-port={DSTPort:80} in-interface=bridge in-interface-list=all out-interface=\
bridge out-interface-list=all port={Port:80} protocol={Protocol:tcp} src-address=\
{SRCAddress:} src-address-list="" src-port=""
$FirewallRules = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Action, Chain, Comment, ConnectionType, DSTAddress, DSTPort, Port, Protocol, SRCAddress
$object | Add-Member -Name 'FirewallRules' -Value $FirewallRules -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikRoutes {
$template = @"
{NewRecord*:add} disabled={Disabled:no} dst-address={DSTAddress:} gateway={Gateway:}
{NewRecord*:add} disabled={Disabled:yes} dst-address={DSTAddress:} gateway={Gateway:}
$Routes = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object DSTAddress, Gateway, Disabled
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Routes' -Value $Routes -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikServices {
$template = @"
set {Service*:telnet} disabled={Disabled:yes}
set {Service*:api} disabled={Disabled:no}
set {Service*:www-ssl} certificate={Certificate:https-cert} disabled={Disabled:no}
set {Service*:api-ssl} certificate={Certificate:https-cert} tls-version=only-1.2
$Services = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Service, Disabled, Certificate
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Services' -Value $Services -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikSNMP {
$template = @"
set enabled={Enabled*:yes} trap-community={Community:abcdD3424EFG42395434745} trap-version={TrapVersion:2}
set enabled={Enabled*:no} trap-community={Community:public} trap-version={TrapVersion:2}
$SNMP = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Enabled, Community, TrapVersion
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SNMP' -Value $SNMP -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikClock {
$template = @"
set time-zone-name={Timezone*:Europe/London}
$Timezone = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Timezone
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Timezone' -Value $Timezone.Timezone -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikIdentity {
$template = @"
set name={Identity*:DeviceName}
set name={Identity*:device.name.com}
$Identity = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Identity
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Identity' -Value $Identity.Identity -Type NoteProperty
############# Start Script #############
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
if ($ConnectToMikrotik -eq $false) {
$Files = foreach ($extension in $FileExtensions) {
$FileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetDir -Filter "*.$extension"
foreach ($FileToParse in $FileNames) {
$ReturnFile = get-content $FileToParse.fullname -raw
else {
# Start
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Posh-Ssh) {
Import-Module Posh-Ssh
else {
Install-Module Posh-Ssh -Force
Import-Module Posh-Ssh
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($MikroTikUser, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $MikroTikPass -AsPlainText -Force))
New-SSHSession -ComputerName $MikroTikIP -Port $MikroTikPort -Credential $Credential -AcceptKey
$Result = Invoke-SSHCommand -Index 0 -Command "/export"
Remove-SSHSession -Index 0
$Result.output | Out-File "TempConfigFile.export"
$Files = get-content "TempConfigFile.export" -raw
foreach ($file in $files) {
$MikroTikConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Sections = $file -split '[\r\n]+/'
Get-MikroTikHeaders -body $Sections[0] -Object $MikroTikConfig
foreach ($Section in $Sections[1..$Sections.Length]) {
$SectionLines = $Section -Split ([Environment]::NewLine)
$SectionHeader = $SectionLines[0] -replace "`n" -replace "`r"
$SectionBody = $SectionLines[1..$SectionLines.Length]
Switch ($SectionHeader) {
"ip pool" { Get-MikroTikDHCP -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"queue simple" { Get-MikroTikQueue -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip address" { Get-MikroTikIPAddress -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip dns" { Get-MikroTikDNS -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip firewall filter" { Get-MikroTikFirewall -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip route" { Get-MikroTikRoutes -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip service" { Get-MikroTikServices -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"snmp" { Get-MikroTikSNMP -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"system clock" { Get-MikroTikClock -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"system identity" { Get-MikroTikIdentity -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
$Settings = [ordered]@{
"Identity" = $MikroTikConfig.Identity
"OS Version" = $MikroTikConfig.OSVersion
"Software ID" = $MikroTikConfig.SoftwareID
"Model" = $MikroTikConfig.Model
"Timezone" = $MikroTikConfig.Timezone
$SettingsHtml = $Settings | ConvertTo-Html -as list -fragment | Out-String
$HTML = @"
<Title>MiktoTik Report</Title>
<h2>General Info</h2>
$($MikroTikConfig.DHCP | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
$($MikroTikConfig.Queues | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
<h2>IP Addresses</h2>
$($MikroTikConfig.IPAddresses | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
<h2>DNS Servers</h2>
$($MikroTikConfig.DNSServers | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
<h2>Firewall Rules</h2>
$($MikroTikConfig.FirewallRules | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
$($MikroTikConfig.Routes | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
$($MikroTikConfig.Services | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
$($MikroTikConfig.SNMP | ConvertTo-Html -as list -fragment | Out-String)
<h2>Config Export</h2>
$HTML | Out-File "$($MikroTikConfig.Identity).html"
Hudu Version
############# Settings #############
# This script can work in two ways.
# It can connect directly to a Mikrotik device and download the configuration directly
# Or it can parse a folder and document all the exported configs from there.
$ConnectToMikrotik = $false
# If ConnectToMiKrotik is $true it will directly connect to the specified device and download the configuration from there.
$MikroTikUser = "mikrotik_user"
$MikroTikPass = 'StrongPasswordToSSHintoMikroTik'
$MikroTikIP = ""
$MikroTikPort = 22
# If ConnectToMikrotik is false set these settings and it will read from the set folder
$TargetDir = "C:\Temp\Mikrotik\"
$FileExtensions = @("rsc", "export")
### Hudu Settings ###
# Get a Hudu API Key from https://yourhududomain.com/admin/api_keys
$HuduAPIKey = "ABCDEFGHIJ123456789"
# Set the base domain of your Hudu instance without a trailing /
$HuduBaseDomain = "https://your.hudu.domain"
$HuduAssetLayoutName = "MikroTik Device"
############# Functions #############
function Get-MikroTikHeaders {
$Lines = $Body -Split ([Environment]::NewLine)
$version = ($Lines[0] -split 'RouterOS ')[1]
$object | Add-Member -Name 'OSVersion' -Value $version -Type NoteProperty
$software_id = (($Lines[1] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SoftwareID' -Value $software_id -Type NoteProperty
$model = (($Lines[3] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Model' -Value $model -Type NoteProperty
$serial = (($Lines[4] -split '= ')[1])
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SerialNumber' -Value $serial -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikDHCP {
$template = @"
add name={RangeName*:testing} ranges={Ranges:}
add name={RangeName*:123testingtesting} ranges={Ranges:}
add name={RangeName*:default-dhcp} ranges={Ranges:333.333.333.333-333.333.333.333}
$DHCP = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object RangeName, Ranges
$object | Add-Member -Name 'DHCP' -Value $DHCP -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikQueue {
$template = @"
add max-limit={Limit*:1M/1M} name={Name:ExampleServers} target={Target:}
add max-limit={Limit*:20M/20M} name={Name:ABC} target={Target:}
add max-limit={Limit*:100M/100M} name={Name:Company1} target={Target:333.333.333.333/32}
add max-limit={Limit*:1000M/1000M} name={Name:Testing} target={Target:}
$Queues = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Name, Limit, Target
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Queues' -Value $Queues -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikIPAddress {
$template = @"
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:abc} interface={Interface:ether1} network=\
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:ComPAny} interface={Interface:ether2-master} network=\
add address={Address*:333.333.333.333/33} comment={Comment:"ABC / DE / Other"} interface={Interface:ether3} network=\
add address={Address*:} comment={Comment:WAN} interface={Interface:sfp1} network=\
$IPAddresses = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Address, Comment, Interface, Network
$object | Add-Member -Name 'IPAddresses' -Value $IPAddresses -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikDNS {
$template = @"
set servers={DNSServers*:,}
set servers={DNSServers*:,}
set servers={DNSServers*:333.333.333.333,333.333.333.333}
$DNSServers = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object DNSServers
$object | Add-Member -Name 'DNSServers' -Value $DNSServers -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikFirewall {
$template = @"
{NewRecord*:add} action={Action:accept} chain={Chain:forward} comment={Comment:"Testing Comment"} connection-state="" \
connection-type={ConnectionType:sip} dst-address={DSTAddress:} dst-address-list="" \
dst-port={DSTPort:443} in-interface=bridge in-interface-list=all out-interface=\
bridge out-interface-list=all port={Port:443} protocol={Protocol:tcp} src-address=\
{SRCAddress:} src-address-list="" src-port=""
{NewRecord*:add} action={Action:accept} chain={Chain:forward} comment={Comment:"Testing Comment"} connection-state="" \
connection-type={ConnectionType:def} dst-address={DSTAddress:} dst-address-list="" \
dst-port={DSTPort:80} in-interface=bridge in-interface-list=all out-interface=\
bridge out-interface-list=all port={Port:80} protocol={Protocol:tcp} src-address=\
{SRCAddress:} src-address-list="" src-port=""
$FirewallRules = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Action, Chain, Comment, ConnectionType, DSTAddress, DSTPort, Port, Protocol, SRCAddress
$object | Add-Member -Name 'FirewallRules' -Value $FirewallRules -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikRoutes {
$template = @"
{NewRecord*:add} disabled={Disabled:no} dst-address={DSTAddress:} gateway={Gateway:}
{NewRecord*:add} disabled={Disabled:yes} dst-address={DSTAddress:} gateway={Gateway:}
$Routes = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object DSTAddress, Gateway, Disabled
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Routes' -Value $Routes -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikServices {
$template = @"
set {Service*:telnet} disabled={Disabled:yes}
set {Service*:api} disabled={Disabled:no}
set {Service*:www-ssl} certificate={Certificate:https-cert} disabled={Disabled:no}
set {Service*:api-ssl} certificate={Certificate:https-cert} tls-version=only-1.2
$Services = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Service, Disabled, Certificate
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Services' -Value $Services -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikSNMP {
$template = @"
set enabled={Enabled*:yes} trap-community={Community:abcdD3424EFG42395434745} trap-version={TrapVersion:2}
set enabled={Enabled*:no} trap-community={Community:public} trap-version={TrapVersion:2}
$SNMP = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Enabled, Community, TrapVersion
$object | Add-Member -Name 'SNMP' -Value $SNMP -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikClock {
$template = @"
set time-zone-name={Timezone*:Europe/London}
$Timezone = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Timezone
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Timezone' -Value $Timezone.Timezone -Type NoteProperty
function Get-MikroTikIdentity {
$template = @"
set name={Identity*:DeviceName}
set name={Identity*:device.name.com}
$Identity = $body | ConvertFrom-String -TemplateContent $template | Select-Object Identity
$object | Add-Member -Name 'Identity' -Value $Identity.Identity -Type NoteProperty
############# Start Script #############
Import-Module Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name HuduAPI) {
Import-Module HuduAPI
} else {
Install-Module HuduAPI -Force
Import-Module HuduAPI
#Set Hudu logon information
New-HuduAPIKey $HuduAPIKey
New-HuduBaseUrl $HuduBaseDomain
$Layout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -name $HuduAssetLayoutName
if (!$Layout) {
$AssetLayoutFields = @(
label = 'General Info'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 1
label = 'DHCP'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 2
label = 'Queues'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 3
label = 'IP Addresses'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 4
label = 'DNS Servers'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 5
label = 'Firewall Rules'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 6
label = 'Routes'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 7
label = 'Services'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 8
label = 'SNMP'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 9
label = 'Configuration'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 10
Write-Host "Creating New Asset Layout $HuduAssetLayoutName"
$NewLayout = New-HuduAssetLayout -name $HuduAssetLayoutName -icon "fas fa-network-wired" -color "#4CAF50" -icon_color "#ffffff" -include_passwords $false -include_photos $false -include_comments $false -include_files $false -fields $AssetLayoutFields
$Layout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -name $HuduAssetLayoutName
if ($ConnectToMikrotik -eq $false) {
$Files = foreach ($extension in $FileExtensions) {
$FileNames = Get-ChildItem -Path $TargetDir -Filter "*.$extension"
foreach ($FileToParse in $FileNames) {
$ReturnFile = get-content $FileToParse.fullname -raw
else {
# Start
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name Posh-Ssh) {
Import-Module Posh-Ssh
else {
Install-Module Posh-Ssh -Force
Import-Module Posh-Ssh
$Credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($MikroTikUser, $(ConvertTo-SecureString $MikroTikPass -AsPlainText -Force))
New-SSHSession -ComputerName $MikroTikIP -Port $MikroTikPort -Credential $Credential -AcceptKey
$Result = Invoke-SSHCommand -Index 0 -Command "/export"
Remove-SSHSession -Index 0
$Result.output | Out-File "TempConfigFile.export"
$Files = get-content "TempConfigFile.export" -raw
foreach ($file in $files) {
$MikroTikConfig = [PSCustomObject]@{}
$Sections = $file -split '[\r\n]+/'
Get-MikroTikHeaders -body $Sections[0] -Object $MikroTikConfig
foreach ($Section in $Sections[1..$Sections.Length]) {
$SectionLines = $Section -Split ([Environment]::NewLine)
$SectionHeader = $SectionLines[0] -replace "`n" -replace "`r"
$SectionBody = $SectionLines[1..$SectionLines.Length]
Switch ($SectionHeader) {
"ip pool" { Get-MikroTikDHCP -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"queue simple" { Get-MikroTikQueue -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip address" { Get-MikroTikIPAddress -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip dns" { Get-MikroTikDNS -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip firewall filter" { Get-MikroTikFirewall -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip route" { Get-MikroTikRoutes -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"ip service" { Get-MikroTikServices -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"snmp" { Get-MikroTikSNMP -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"system clock" { Get-MikroTikClock -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
"system identity" { Get-MikroTikIdentity -body $SectionBody -object $MikroTikConfig }
$AssetName = $MikroTikConfig.Identity
$Asset = Get-HuduAssets -name $AssetName -assetlayoutid $Layout.id
if (($Asset | Measure-Object).count -eq 1){
$Settings = @{
"Identity" = $MikroTikConfig.Identity
"OS Version" = $MikroTikConfig.OSVersion
"Software ID" = $MikroTikConfig.SoftwareID
"Model" = $MikroTikConfig.Model
"Timezone" = $MikroTikConfig.Timezone
$SettingsHtml = $Settings | ConvertTo-Html -as list -fragment | Out-String
$AssetFields = @{
"general_info" = $SettingsHTML
"dhcp" = $($MikroTikConfig.DHCP | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"queues" = $($MikroTikConfig.Queues | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"ip_addresses" = $($MikroTikConfig.IPAddresses | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"dns_servers" = $($MikroTikConfig.DNSServers | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"firewall_rules" = $($MikroTikConfig.FirewallRules | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"routes" = $($MikroTikConfig.Routes | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"services" = $($MikroTikConfig.Services | ConvertTo-Html -as table -fragment | Out-String)
"snmp" = $($MikroTikConfig.SNMP | ConvertTo-Html -as list -fragment | Out-String)
"configuration" = $file -replace ([Environment]::NewLine, "<br />") | Out-String
Write-Host "Updating Asset"
$Asset = Set-HuduAsset -asset_id $Asset.id -name $AssetName -company_id $asset.company_id -asset_layout_id $layout.id -fields $AssetFields
} else {
Write-Host "A matched asset could not be found in Hudu. Please create a blank $HuduAssetLayoutName with a name of $($MikroTikConfig.Identity) under the company you wish to sync the data to and rerun this script" -ForegroundColor Red