Hudu Magic Dash – Customer Product Overview Dashes
This evening I was chatting on the MSPGeek Slack and someone brought up wanting to have a quick way in Hudu to see what services a customer has. Someone else reminded me about Gavin...
Luke Whitelock's scripts and useful things for MSPs
This evening I was chatting on the MSPGeek Slack and someone brought up wanting to have a quick way in Hudu to see what services a customer has. Someone else reminded me about Gavin...
Hudu have recently released an updated editor for assets and articles. I wanted a project to be able to see how far I could push the new editor to improve the display of information...
Happy New Year everyone! Sorry for no blog in a long time, I’ve been distracted working on Kelvin Tegelaar’s amazing CIPP project ( and working on a big rewrite of my Hudu M365 integration,...
Automation / Halo PSA / Microsoft 365
by Luke Whitelock · Published 19 September 2021 · Last modified 9 June 2022
Update 08/06/2022 I have just completed a rewrite of the script to leverage Graph API for all MS requests and to automatically create reports to fetch all the data from Halo. This massively reduces...
Automation / Halo PSA / Hudu
by Luke Whitelock · Published 16 August 2021 · Last modified 17 August 2021
Continuing my playing with the Halo PSA I have been working on some bits to enhance the integration between Hudu and Halo PSA. The first thing I found which can add a lot of...
Automation / Datto RMM / Halo PSA
by Luke Whitelock · Published 13 August 2021 · Last modified 19 September 2021
Someone over on MSPGeek this week pointed out that the built in integration for DattoRMM in Halo PSA wasn’t pulling over some key information like manufacturer and serial number. After have a chat with...
Recently Mikey O’Toole (@homotechsual) and I have been working on a PowerShell Module for Halo PSA (Mikey did most of the work and making the module far more organised than my normal ones 😀...
I just took a straight forward approach to this script with a little bit of humour for Gav and Kelvin (The judges) added in. I think the main challenge was to use PowerShell 7...
For this script I decided to have some fun and use a trick not many people will know about to be able to run the same script on Mac, Linux and Windows. It is...
Recently I have been doing a lot of work converting all our scripts to work in PSCore and as Azure functions with PowerShell 7. One problem I have run into is an issue where...