PowerShell: Improved Microsoft 365 to Halo PSA Company / Contact Sync

Update 08/06/2022

I have just completed a rewrite of the script to leverage Graph API for all MS requests and to automatically create reports to fetch all the data from Halo. This massively reduces the amount of requests that have to be sent to Halo which should help with anyone hitting rate limiting.

For the moment you will need the latest beta version of the Halo module that can be installed with:

Install-Module -Name HaloAPI -AllowPrerelease
# or
Update-Module -Name HaloAPI -AllowPrerelease

Original Post

I have finally got to a point in our Halo PSA migration where I am able to come back up for some air and have some time to blog again. Moving PSAs is a lot of work but we are already seeing improvements in numerous areas across our service desk since switching, so it has been worth it! Its a much more pleasant tool to spend our days working in!

Halo has a built in integration with Microsoft 365 that will let you synchronise companies and users. At the moment this is quite basic and will only match on company name. It also won’t let you filter to licensed users only. Releasing this I realised I could repurpose my Autotask synchronisation script for Halo to solve most of these problems. The script will set the values Halo uses to match so you will be able to also leverage their integration as well if you want. This makes it possible to just use the script to match companies initially and then sync contacts with the built in integration.


You will need to add a custom field called “CFM365SyncKeepActive” to users. This can be a select list defaulting to N with Y as the other option. If you set a contact to Y the script will not deactivate the user no matter what. You will also need M365 Secure App Model details and a Halo API app details.

You will then need to enter these at the top of the script and the set the settings below. I would recommend you slowly enable settings and run the script, to make sure things will be mapped as expected and users will created / disabled as expected.

Company matching

The script will take several steps to match companies:

  1. It will check to see if the azuretenantid on a company in Halo matches the Tenant ID from Microsoft 365. You can manually set this in a Halo company from Company ->Settings ->Microsoft Details -> Azure Tenant Id

2. It will attempt to match the Microsoft 365 tenant name to a Halo company name

3. It will attempt to match the Microsoft 365 default domain name to the website field on a company in Halo

4. It will attempt to match any verified Microsoft 365 domain name to the website field on a company in Halo

5. Finally it will attempt to match on user’s email domains under a company to any verified domain in Microsoft 365

Once matched if the $SetHuduAzureID is set to True it will update the tenant ID in Halo and match off that in the future.

Contact Matching

Contact matching is done via matching the Azure AD Object ID to the Halo azureoid attribute or by matching userprincipal name to the email address of a user in Halo. When creating a contact it will first check if there is an existing disabled contact that matches and re-enable that instead.

The Script


#### Halo Settings ####
$VaultName = "Your Key Vault"
$HaloClientID = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $VaultName -Name "HaloClientID" -AsPlainText
$HaloClientSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $VaultName -Name "HaloClientSecret" -AsPlainText
$HaloURL = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName $VaultName -Name "HaloURL" -AsPlainText

#### M365 Settings ####
#Microsoft Secure Application Model Info
$customerExclude = (Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "customerExclude" -AsPlainText) -split ',' 
$script:ApplicationId = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "ApplicationID" -AsPlainText
$script:ApplicationSecret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "ApplicationSecret" -AsPlainText
$script:TenantID = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "TenantID" -AsPlainText
$script:RefreshToken = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "RefreshToken"-AsPlainText
$script:ExchangeRefreshToken = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -vaultName $VaultName -name "ExchangeRefreshToken"-AsPlainText

########################## End Secrets Management ##########################
#$VerbosePreference = "continue"
#$DebugPreference = "continue"

#### Script Settings ####

# This is the value for the Yes option of the Keep Active custom field CFM365SyncKeepActive.
# If you run the script once in $ListContactChangesOnly = $true and then look at the 'Halo M3565 Contact PowerShell Script Report'
# and find a contact that has the custom field set to keep them active you can see what this should be.
$HaloCustomFieldKeepActiveValue = 2

# Recommended to set this to true on the first run so that you can make sure companies are being mapped correctly and fix any issues.
$CheckMatchesOnly = $false

# Recommended to set this on first run. It will only tell you what the script would have done and not make any changes
$ListContactChangesOnly = $false

# This will enable the generation of a csv report on which items would have been set to inactive.
$GenerateInactiveReport = $true
$InactiveReportName = "C:\Temp\InactiveUsersReport.csv"

# Import only licensed users
$licensedUsersOnly = $true

# Create Users missing in Halo
$CreateUsers = $true

# Set unlicensed users as inactive in Halo. (This can be overriden by setting the M365SyncKeepActive UDF on a contact to Y)
$InactivateUsers = $true

# Set the AzureTenantID in Azure on a Successful match using any other method
$SetHuduAzureID = $true

##########################          Script         ############################

if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name HaloAPI) {
	Import-Module HaloAPI 
} else {
	Install-Module HaloAPI -Force
	Import-Module HaloAPI

function New-GraphGetRequest ($uri, $tenantid, $scope, $AsApp, $noPagination) {

	if ($scope -eq "ExchangeOnline") { 
		$Headers = $Script:ExchangeAuthheaders
	} else {
		$headers = $Script:Authheaders
	Write-Verbose "Using $($uri) as url"
	$nextURL = $uri
	$ReturnedData = do {
		try {
			$Data = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $nextURL -Method GET -Headers $headers -ContentType "application/json; charset=utf-8")
			if ($data.value) { $data.value } else { ($Data) }
			if ($noPagination) { $nextURL = $null } else { $nextURL = $data.'@odata.nextLink' }                
		} catch {
			$Message = ($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.message
			if ($null -eq $Message) { $Message = $($_.Exception.Message) }
			throw $Message
	} until ($null -eq $NextURL)
	return $ReturnedData   


function Get-GraphToken($tenantid, $scope, $AsApp, $AppID, $refreshToken, $ReturnRefresh) {
	if (!$scope) { $scope = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default' }

	$AuthBody = @{
		client_id     = $script:ApplicationId
		client_secret = $script:ApplicationSecret
		scope         = $Scope
		refresh_token = $script:RefreshToken
		grant_type    = "refresh_token"
	if ($asApp -eq $true) {
		$AuthBody = @{
			client_id     = $script:ApplicationId
			client_secret = $script:ApplicationSecret
			scope         = $Scope
			grant_type    = "client_credentials"

	if ($null -ne $AppID -and $null -ne $refreshToken) {
		$AuthBody = @{
			client_id     = $appid
			refresh_token = $RefreshToken
			scope         = $Scope
			grant_type    = "refresh_token"

	if (!$tenantid) { $tenantid = $script:tenantid }
	$AccessToken = (Invoke-RestMethod -Method post -Uri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$($tenantid)/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Body $Authbody -ErrorAction Stop)
	if ($ReturnRefresh) { $header = $AccessToken } else { $header = @{ Authorization = "Bearer $($AccessToken.access_token)" } }

	return $header

function Invoke-HaloReport($Report) {
	# This will check for a Halo report. Create it if it doesn't exist and return the results if it does
	$HaloReportBase = Get-HaloReport -Search $report.name
	$FoundReportCount = ($HaloReportBase | Measure-Object).Count

	if ($FoundReportCount -eq 0) {
		$HaloReportBase = New-HaloReport -Report $report
	} elseif ($FoundReportCount -gt 1) {
		throw "Found more than one report with the name '$($HaloContactReportBase.name)'. Please delete all but one and try again."

	$HaloResults = (Get-HaloReport -ReportID $HaloReportBase.id -LoadReport).report.rows

	return $HaloResults

# Connect to Halo
try {

	Connect-HaloAPI -URL $HaloURL -ClientId $HaloClientID -ClientSecret $HaloClientSecret -Scopes "all"

	# Fetch Existing Halo Azure Tenant Mappings
	$HaloAzureConnections = Get-HaloAzureADConnection -Type 2
	$HaloM365CompanyMapping = $HaloAzureConnections | ForEach-Object {
		$AZConnectionID = $_.id
    (Get-HaloAzureADConnection -Type 2 -AzureConnectionID $AZConnectionID -IncludeDetails).mappings_client | Select-Object azure_tenant_id, azure_tenant_name, client_id, client_name

	# Create / Retrieve the Customer Mapping Report
	$HaloCustomerReport = @{
		name                    = "Halo M3565 Customer PowerShell Script Report"
		sql                     = "SELECT DISTINCT Aarea as 'id', aareadesc as 'name', AWebsite as 'website', ssitenum as 'main_site_id' from AREA left join SITE on aarea = sarea where SIsInvoiceSite = 1"
		description             = "This report is used to quickly obtain company information for use with the M365 Mapping Script"
		type                    = 0
		datasource_id           = 0
		canbeaccessedbyallusers = $false

	$HaloCompanies = Invoke-HaloReport -Report $HaloCustomerReport

	# Create / Retrieve the Contact Mapping Report
	$HaloContactReport = @{
		name                    = "Halo M3565 Contact PowerShell Script Report"
		sql                     = "SELECT DISTINCT UAzureOID as 'azureoid',uemail as 'emailAddress',Usite as 'site_id',uusername as 'displayName',uid as 'id',uextn as 'phone',umobile as 'mobilePhone',uinactive as 'inactive',aarea as 'client_id',CFM365SyncKeepActive FROM USERS LEFT JOIN site ON usite = ssitenum LEFT JOIN area ON sarea = aarea"
		description             = "This report is used to quickly obtain Contact / User IDs for use with the M365 Mapping Script"
		type                    = 0
		datasource_id           = 0
		canbeaccessedbyallusers = $false

	$HaloContacts = Invoke-HaloReport -Report $HaloContactReport

	# Create / Retrieve the Site Mapping Report
	$HaloSiteReport = @{
		name                    = "Halo M3565 Sites PowerShell Script Report"
		sql                     = "SELECT DISTINCT ASSiteID as 'id', ASLine1 as 'line1', sarea as 'client_id' FROM ADDRESSSTORE LEFT JOIN SITE on ASSiteID = SSiteNum Where sarea <> ''"
		description             = "This report is used to quickly obtain site information for use with the M365 Mapping Script"
		type                    = 0
		datasource_id           = 0
		canbeaccessedbyallusers = $false

	$HaloSites = Invoke-HaloReport -Report $HaloSiteReport

	# Prepare webAddresses for lookup
	$CompanyWebDomains = foreach ($HaloCompany in $HaloCompanies) {
		if ($null -ne $HaloCompany.website) {
			$website = $HaloCompany.website
			$website = $website -replace 'https://'
			$website = $website -replace 'http://'
			$website = ($website -split '/')[0]
			$website = $website -replace 'www.'
				companyID = $HaloCompany.id
				website   = $website

	# Prepare contact domains for matching
	$DomainCounts = $HaloContacts | Where-Object { ($_.emailAddress).length -gt 1 } | Select-Object client_id, @{N = 'email'; E = { $($_.emailAddress -split "@")[1] } } | group-object email, client_id | sort-object count -descending

	#Connect to your Azure AD Account.
	$Script:Authheaders = Get-GraphToken -tenantid $script:Tenantid
	# Get Customers
	[System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$M365Customers = (New-GraphGetRequest -uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/contracts?`$top=999" -tenantid $script:Tenantid) | Select-Object CustomerID, DefaultdomainName, DisplayName | Where-Object -Property DisplayName -NotIn $customerExclude

	$GlobalContactsToRemove = [System.Collections.ArrayList]@()

} catch {
	Write-Error "An error occured during initial data gathering: $_"
	exit 1

foreach ($customer in $M365Customers) {	
	write-host "Connecting to $($customer.Displayname)" -foregroundColor green
	try {
		$TenantFilter = $Customer.CustomerId
		$Script:ExchangeAuthHeaders = Get-GraphToken -AppID 'a0c73c16-a7e3-4564-9a95-2bdf47383716' -RefreshToken $script:ExchangeRefreshToken -Scope 'https://outlook.office365.com/.default' -Tenantid $TenantFilter
		$Script:Authheaders = Get-GraphToken -tenantid $TenantFilter
	} catch {
		Write-Error "Failed to Connect to M365"
	$defaultdomain = $customer.defaultDomainName

	$customerDomains = (New-GraphGetRequest -uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/domains" -tenantid $TenantFilter).id

	# Let try to match to an Halo company
	# First lets check default domain against azuretenantid in Halo
	$MappedCompany = $HaloM365CompanyMapping | Where-Object { $_.azure_tenant_id -eq $customer.customerId }
	$matchedCompany = $HaloCompanies | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $MappedCompany.client_id }

	if (($matchedCompany | measure-object).count -ne 1) {
		# Now lets try to match tenant names to company names
		$matchedCompany = $HaloCompanies | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $Customer.DisplayName }
		if (($matchedCompany | measure-object).count -ne 1) {
			# Now lets try to match to the web address set on the company in Halo to default domain
			$matchedWebsite = $CompanyWebDomains | Where-Object { $_.website -eq $defaultdomain }
			if (($matchedWebsite | measure-object).count -eq 1) {
				#Populate matched company
				$matchedCompany = $HaloCompanies | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $matchedWebsite.companyID }
				Write-Host "Matched Default Domain to Website" -ForegroundColor green
			} else {
				# Now to try matching any verified domain to a website
				$matchedWebsite = $CompanyWebDomains | Where-Object { $_.website -in $customerDomains }
				if (($matchedWebsite | measure-object).count -eq 1) {
					$matchedCompany = $HaloCompanies | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $matchedWebsite.companyID }
					Write-Host "Matched a verified domain to website" -ForegroundColor green
				} else {
					# Now try to match on contact domains
					$matchedContactDomains = $DomainCounts | where-object { (($_.name) -split ',')[0] -in $customerDomains }
					$matchedIDs = ($matchedContactDomains.name -split ', ')[1] | Select-Object -unique
					if (($matchedIDs | measure-object).count -eq 1) {
						$matchedCompany = $HaloCompanies | Where-Object { $_.id -eq $matchedIDs }
						Write-Host "Matched a verified domain to contacts domain" -ForegroundColor green
					} else {
						Write-Host "$($Customer.DisplayName) Could not be matched please set the Azure Tenant Id in the Halo company to $($customer.CustomerContextId)" -ForegroundColor red


		} else {
			Write-Host "Matched on Tenant and Customer Name" -ForegroundColor green
		if ($SetHuduAzureID -eq $true) {
			$ClientUpdate = @{
				id            = $matchedCompany.id
				azure_tenants = @(@{
						azure_tenant_id   = $customer.CustomerContextId
						azure_tenant_name = $customer.DisplayName
						details_name      = 'Default'
			Write-Host "Setting $($M365Asset.company_name) - HaloID: $HaloID - TenantID $TenantID"
			$Null = Set-HaloClient -Client $ClientUpdate
	} else {
		Write-Host "Matched on azuretenantid in Halo" -ForegroundColor green

	Write-Host "M365 Company: $($Customer.DisplayName) Matched to Halo Company: $($matchedCompany.name)"
	if ($CheckMatchesOnly -eq $false) {
		try {
			$UsersRaw = New-GraphGetRequest -uri "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/users" -tenantid $TenantFilter
		} catch {
			Write-Error "Failed to download users"

		#Grab licensed users		
		if ($licensedUsersOnly -eq $true) {
			$M365Users = $UsersRaw | where-object { $null -ne $_.AssignedLicenses.SkuId } | Sort-Object UserPrincipalName
		} else {
			$M365Users = $UsersRaw 

		$HaloCompanyContacts = $HaloContacts | Where-Object { $_.client_id -eq $matchedCompany.id }
		$ContactsToCreate = $M365Users | Where-Object { $_.id -notin $HaloCompanyContacts.azureoid -and $_.UserPrincipalName -notmatch "admin" }
		$existingContacts = $M365Users | Where-Object { $_.id -in $HaloCompanyContacts.azureoid }
		$contactsToInactiveRaw = $HaloCompanyContacts | Where-Object { $_.azureoid -notin $M365Users.id -and $_.emailAddress -notin $ContactsToCreate.UserPrincipalName -and (($($_.emailAddress -split "@")[1]) -in $customerDomains) -or ($_.emailAddress -eq "" -and $_.mobilePhone -eq "" -and $_.phone -eq "") }
		$contactsToInactive = $contactsToInactiveRaw | where-object {$_.CFM365SyncKeepActive -ne $HaloCustomFieldKeepActiveValue -and $_.inactive -eq $False -and $_.displayName -ne 'General User'}
		Write-Host "Existing Contacts"
		Write-Host "$($existingContacts | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName | Out-String)"
		Write-Host "Contacts to be Created"
		Write-Host "$($ContactsToCreate | where-object {$_.UserPrincipalName -notin $HaloCompanyContacts.emailAddress} | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName | Out-String)" -ForegroundColor Green
		Write-Host "Contacts to be Paired"
		Write-Host "$($ContactsToCreate | where-object {$_.UserPrincipalName -in $HaloCompanyContacts.emailAddress} | Select-Object DisplayName, UserPrincipalName | Out-String)" -ForegroundColor Yellow
		Write-Host "Contacts to be set inactive"
		Write-Host "$($contactsToInactive | Select-Object displayName, emailAddress | Format-Table | out-string)" -ForegroundColor Red

		if ($GenerateInactiveReport) {
			foreach ($inactiveContact in $contactsToInactive) {
				$ReturnContact = [PSCustomObject]@{
					'Company'    = $customer.DisplayName
					'Name'       = $inactiveContact.displayName
					'Email'      = $inactiveContact.emailAddress
					'Mobile'     = $inactiveContact.mobilenumber
					'Phone'      = $inactiveContact.phone
				$null = $GlobalContactsToRemove.add($ReturnContact)
		# If not in list only mode carry out changes
		if ($ListContactChangesOnly -eq $false) {
			# Inactivate Users
			if ($InactivateUsers -eq $true) {
				foreach ($deactivateUser in $contactsToInactive) {
					$DeactivateBody = @{
						id       = $deactivateUser.id
						inactive = $true
					try {
						$Result = Set-HaloUser -User $DeactivateBody
						Write-Verbose "User Set Inactive: $($deactivateUser.firstName) $($deactivateUser.surname)"
						Write-Debug $Result
					} catch {
						Write-Error "Error Inactivating:  $($deactivateUser.firstName) $($deactivateUser.surname)"
						Write-Error "$($DeactivateBody | convertto-json | out-string)"

			# Create Users
			if ($CreateUsers -eq $true) {
				foreach ($createUser in $ContactsToCreate) {
					# Find the site for the contact
					$ContactSite = ($HaloSites | Where-Object { $_.line1 -eq $createUser.StreetAddress -and $_.client_id -eq $matchedCompany.id } | Sort-Object id -Descending | Select-Object -first 1).id
					if (!$ContactSite) {
						$ContactSite = $MatchedCompany.main_site_id

					# Check if there is a user who just needs azureoid to be set
					$MatchedUnpairedUser = $HaloCompanyContacts | Where-Object { $_.emailAddress -eq $createUser.UserPrincipalName }
					if (($MatchedUnpairedUser | measure-object).count -eq 1) {
						$UpdateBody = @{
							id       = $MatchedUnpairedUser.id
							azureoid = $createUser.id
							inactive = $false
						try {
							$Result = Set-HaloUser -User $UpdateBody
							Write-Verbose "User Paired to existing user $($createUser.DisplayName)"
							Write-Debug $Result
						} catch {
							Write-Error "Error Pairing:  $($createUser.DisplayName)"
							Write-Error "$($UpdateBody | convertto-json | out-string)"

					# Get Email Addresses
					$Email2 = ""
					$Email3 = ""
					$aliases = (($createUser.ProxyAddresses | Where-Object { $_ -cnotmatch "SMTP" -and $_ -notmatch ".onmicrosoft.com" }) -replace "SMTP:", " ")
					$AliasCount = ($aliases | measure-object).count
					if ($AliasCount -eq 1) {
						$Email2 = $aliases.trim()
					} elseif ($AliasCount -gt 1) {
						$Email2 = $aliases[0].trim()
						$Email3 = $aliases[1].trim()

					# Build the body of the user
					$CreateBody = @{
						companyID     = $matchedCompany.id
						name          = $createUser.DisplayName
						firstName     = $createUser.GivenName
						lastName      = $createUser.Surname

						title         = $createUser.JobTitle
						phonenumber   = $createUser.businessPhones[0]
						mobilenumber2 = $createUser.mobilePhone
						fax           = $createUser.faxNumber
						site_id       = $ContactSite

						emailAddress  = $createUser.UserPrincipalName
						email2        = $Email2
						email3        = $Email3
						azureoid      = $createUser.id

					# Create the user
					try {
						$Result = New-HaloUser -User $CreateBody
						Write-Verbose "User Created: $($createUser.DisplayName)"
						Write-Debug $Result

					} catch {
						Write-Error "Error Creating:  $($createUser.DisplayName)"
						Write-Error "$($CreateBody | convertto-json | out-string)"



if ($GenerateInactiveReport) {
	$GlobalContactsToRemove | Export-Csv $InactiveReportName
	Write-Host "Report Written to $InactiveReportName"

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