Category: Hudu

Hudu – Client locations map

Last week I was reading the MSP subreddit and saw someone asking about being able to show a map with all your clients locations. I thought this was a fun idea so decided to...

Hudu – CrewHu Integration

We utilise CrewHu for customer feedback and employee recognition. Previously we used to utilize the statistics CrewHu pulled from IT Glue for a weekly contests on most activity and most new documents created so...

Hudu Warranty Expiration Tracking

Kelvin from Cyberdrain has written a really useful PSWarranty module which allows warranty details to be looked up from vendors APIs and then update various sources. This week I got a pull request accepted...

MSP360 / Cloudberry to Hudu

Update 27/02/2021 Hudu have updated their API with some better filtering options. They have also updated their Asset creation API with breaking changes. If you install/update Hudu after 26th of Feb you need to...