Hudu DNS History and Alerts
I was chatting to some people on the MSPGeek Slack this week about DNS tracking in Hudu and it came up there were limitations in how it is currently implemented. The core features that were missing were version history and the ability to send alerts when a change happens. I decided to throw together this script to act as a workaround while the features are implemented into core Hudu.
This script works by first getting all the websites you have in Hudu. It will then filter to just the ones which you have DNS monitoring enabled for. It will then create a new asset layout to store A records, MX Records, TXT Records, Name Servers and SOA records. When DNS records are updated it will create a new version of the asset allowing you to view the DNS history of a domain. There are also optional settings you can enable to send a message to a Teams channel using a Teams webhook or to send an email with the change details.
As normal you will need your Hudu API Key and domain. I reuse the same Teams web hook I configured for Hudu. Alerts can be toggled with $enableTeamsAlerts and $enableEmailAlerts
Make sure you are running at least Hudu version to get access to all the required API features
# Get a Hudu API Key from
$HuduAPIKey = "abcdefghij123455"
# Set the base domain of your Hudu instance without a trailing /
$HuduBaseDomain = "https://your.hudu.domain"
$HuduAssetLayoutName = "DNS Entries - Autodoc"
# Enable sending alerts on dns change to a teams webhook
$enableTeamsAlerts = $true
$teamsWebhook = "Your Teams Webhook URL"
# Enable sending alerts on dns change to an email address
$enableEmailAlerts = $true
$mailTo = "[email protected]"
$mailFrom = "[email protected]"
$mailServer = ""
$mailPort = "25"
$mailUseSSL = $true
$mailUser = "user"
$mailPass = "pass"
function Check-DNSChange {
Param (
[string]$currentDNS = '',
[string]$newDNS = '',
[string]$recordType = '',
[string]$website = '',
[string]$companyName = ''
$Comp = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $($currentDNS -split "`n") -DifferenceObject $($newDNS -split "`n")
if ($Comp){
# Send Teams Alert
if ($enableTeamsAlerts) {
$JSONBody = [PSCustomObject][Ordered]@{
"@type" = "MessageCard"
"@context" = ""
"summary" = "$companyName - $website - DNS $recordType change detected"
"themeColor" = '0078D7'
"sections" = @(
"activityTitle" = "$companyName - $website - DNS $recordType Change Detected"
"facts" = @(
"name" = "Original DNS Records"
"value" = $((($Comp | where-object -filter {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="}).InputObject | out-string ) -replace '<[^>]+>',' ')
"name" = "New DNS Records"
"value" = $((($Comp | where-object -filter {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"}).InputObject | out-string ) -replace '<[^>]+>',' ')
"markdown" = $true
$TeamMessageBody = ConvertTo-Json $JSONBody -Depth 100
$parameters = @{
"URI" = $teamsWebhook
"Method" = 'POST'
"Body" = $TeamMessageBody
"ContentType" = 'application/json'
$result = Invoke-RestMethod @parameters
if ($enableEmailAlerts){
$oldVal = ($Comp | where-object -filter {$_.SideIndicator -eq "<="}).InputObject | out-string
$newVal = ($Comp | where-object -filter {$_.SideIndicator -eq "=>"}).InputObject | out-string
$mailSubject = "$companyName - $website - DNS $recordType change detected"
$body = "
<p>Original DNS Record:</p>
<p>New DNS Record:</p>
$password = ConvertTo-SecureString $mailPass -AsPlainText -Force
$mailcred = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($mailUser, $password)
$sendMailParams = @{
From = $mailFrom
To = $mailTo
Subject = $mailSubject
Body = $body
SMTPServer = $mailServer
UseSsl = $mailUseSSL
Credential = $mailcred
Send-MailMessage @sendMailParams -BodyAsHtml
#Get the Hudu API Module if not installed
if (Get-Module -ListAvailable -Name HuduAPI) {
Import-Module HuduAPI
} else {
Install-Module HuduAPI -Force
Import-Module HuduAPI
#Login to Hudu
New-HuduAPIKey $HuduAPIKey
New-HuduBaseUrl $HuduBaseDomain
$Layout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -name $HuduAssetLayoutName
if (!$Layout) {
$AssetLayoutFields = @(
label = 'A and AAAA Records'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'true'
position = 1
label = 'MX Records'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 2
label = 'Name Servers'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 3
label = 'TXT Records'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 4
label = 'SOA Records'
field_type = 'RichText'
show_in_list = 'false'
position = 5
Write-Host "Creating New Asset Layout $HuduAssetLayoutName"
$NewLayout = New-HuduAssetLayout -name $HuduAssetLayoutName -icon "fas fa-sitemap" -color "#00adef" -icon_color "#ffffff" -include_passwords $false -include_photos $false -include_comments $false -include_files $false -fields $AssetLayoutFields
$Layout = Get-HuduAssetLayouts -name $HuduAssetLayoutName
$websites = Get-HuduWebsites | where -filter {$_.disable_dns -eq $false}
foreach ($website in $websites){
$dnsname = ([System.Uri]$
try {
$arecords = resolve-dnsname $dnsname -type A_AAAA -ErrorAction Stop | select type, IPADDRESS | sort IPADDRESS | convertto-html -fragment | out-string
$mxrecords = resolve-dnsname $dnsname -type MX -ErrorAction Stop | sort NameExchange |convertto-html -fragment -property NameExchange | out-string
$nsrecords = resolve-dnsname $dnsname -type NS -ErrorAction Stop | sort NameHost | convertto-html -fragment -property NameHost| out-string
$txtrecords = resolve-dnsname $dnsname -type TXT -ErrorAction Stop | select @{N='Records';E={$($_.strings)}}| sort Records | convertto-html -fragment -property Records | out-string
$soarecords = resolve-dnsname $dnsname -type SOA -ErrorAction Stop | select PrimaryServer, NameAdministrator, SerialNumber | sort NameAdministrator | convertto-html -fragment | out-string
} catch {
write-host "$dnsname lookup failed" -foregroundcolor red
$AssetFields = @{
'a_and_aaaa_records' = $arecords
'mx_records' = $mxrecords
'name_servers' = $nsrecords
'txt_records' = $txtrecords
'soa_records' = $soarecords
write-host "$dnsname lookup successful" -foregroundcolor green
$companyid = $website.company_id
#Swap out # as Hudu doesn't like it when searching
$AssetName = $dnsname
#Check if there is already an asset
$Asset = Get-HuduAssets -name $AssetName -companyid $companyid -assetlayoutid $
#If the Asset does not exist, we edit the body to be in the form of a new asset, if not, we just upload.
if (!$Asset) {
Write-Host "Creating new Asset"
$Asset = New-HuduAsset -name $AssetName -company_id $companyid -asset_layout_id $ -fields $AssetFields
else {
#Get the existing records
$a_cur_value = ($Asset.fields | where-object -filter {$_.label -eq "A and AAAA Records"}).value
$mx_cur_value = ($Asset.fields | where-object -filter {$_.label -eq "MX Records"}).value
$ns_cur_value = ($Asset.fields | where-object -filter {$_.label -eq "Name Servers"}).value
$txt_cur_value = ($Asset.fields | where-object -filter {$_.label -eq "TXT Records"}).value
$soa_cur_value = ($Asset.fields | where-object -filter {$_.label -eq "SOA Records"}).value
#Compare the new and old values and send alerts
Check-DNSChange -currentDNS $a_cur_value -newDNS $arecords -recordType "A / AAAA" -website $AssetName -companyName $website.company_name
Check-DNSChange -currentDNS $mx_cur_value -newDNS $mxrecords -recordType "MX" -website $AssetName -companyName $website.company_name
Check-DNSChange -currentDNS $ns_cur_value -newDNS $nsrecords -recordType "Name Servers" -website $AssetName -companyName $website.company_name
Check-DNSChange -currentDNS $txt_cur_value -newDNS $txtrecords -recordType "TXT" -website $AssetName -companyName $website.company_name
Write-Host "Updating Asset"
$Asset = Set-HuduAsset -asset_id $ -name $AssetName -company_id $companyid -asset_layout_id $ -fields $AssetFields
The script is also on my github here: